The REAL Reason Behind Your Homeschool Slump

It's  January... which means we are all on a downhill slide. The busyness and craziness and fun of Christmas has all been quieted, and we are left to our own devices (often trapped inside from the frigid temps). If you're like me, this anticlimactic time following the depths of winter as we roll past the New Year can usher in boredom, exhaustion, and cabin fever. We oftentimes enter what's now commonly referred to as a "slump" in our homeschool year.

But why? Is it fully triggered by gloomy weather and post-holiday blues? I suspect there's something else lurking beneath this battle almost every homeschool Mama faces each year. 

We all face it- the dreaded homeschool slump in the dead of winter, after the thrills of Christmas are gone. But is it REALLY just about cold, dreary weather and post-holiday exhaustion?

Every March, for 6 years, I begin to shake this depressed, bored feeling by planning for the next school year. I start looking at what we've been doing that's working well and what isn't. I start perusing new curriculum options, attending homeschool conferences... Generally "casting a vision" for the upcoming year. I do this with a ton of excitement and expectancy since I'm "totally over" the current school year and ready to look at something NEW and exciting. And THIS TIME, because of my research and planning and awesome schedules, we won't even HAVE a slump come January. Right?

If you aren't type A, this might not resonate with you at all, but if you are... You're probably thinking "Yep!". 

So how is this scenario a bad thing? I'll tell you, friend. Expectations.

To read more, head on over to OutmachedMama as this post is a feature there!