Early Years Daily Planner- FREEBIE

There are literally close to one million free printable planners available on the internet. Search Pinterest, and you’ll find out that I’m not exaggerating by much. However, I can never quite find THE ONE, ya know.?They’re either kind of functional but not pretty, the website has one million and one ads and pop-ups and feels like spam, or they just don’t quite suit my needs… I am forever a tinkerer.

Are you looking for a planner that is perfect for the early years, easy to easy, versatile, and Charlotte Mason friendly? This is it... and it's FREE!

I had previously created a planner for my big kids. I wanted one that helped us track grades and attendance, that had enough slots for a Charlotte Mason education, and had one week on one page. I also created one for myself that included space for both ministry and work responsibilities, home responsibilities, and of course homeschooling- because so many homeschool moms do “all of the above.” (If you are a current subscriber, those are both already on the Organization page in the Homeschool Resource Library.)

Now, I was left with a need for my little ones. As I’ve walked through writing both Gentle + Classical Nature and The Gentle + Classical Preschool Level 2, I knew I needed ONE planner to bring those two programs together and reflect the schedules set forth in both programs. BUT ALSO, I wanted to make a cute weekly planner that would work for pretty much anyone’s needs in the early years, so I made 4 variations. I created my IDEAL planner for both Gentle + Classical programs, then I worked backward and simplified and “generalized” it so that anyone using any program could benefit from it.

And I’m happy to share it with you for FREE! Enter your email below if you aren’t a current subscriber, and I’ll send it right to you as well as the password for the Homeschool Resource Library with 45 other free tools.