Open Letter to the Mom at the Zoo Who Lost Her Mind

Open Letter to the Mom at the Zoo Who Lost Her Mind

Dear Lady Who Lost Her Mind on Her Child at the Zoo,

I am writing you this letter to apologize for the level of judgement and shaming directed toward you after your complete meltdown at the zoo. You see, we stayed at the zoo until closing time, like you did, until the staff usherred us all out. And like you, we saw children begin to absolutely be destroyed and fall to pieces that their day of fun was over with. As we were all herded toward the exit, toddlers began dropping to the ground in pain and agony left and right- like there was a secret sniper on the SkyLift, taking them out one-by-one...

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One new habit {that's changing my mood}

One new habit {that's changing my mood}

This is a new habit for ME... And it's definitely no big secret as I've heard about it and been told to do it many, many times before. But hearing about and thinking about it are very different than my actually DOING it. Others have planted these seeds of change in my mind on this topic over time, so I'm hoping I might plant a seed for you so that you'll reap a harvest of peace as well. <--- When the timing is just right ;).

Ready for it? 

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