Encouragement in Shifting From Surviving to Thriving (VLOG)

Even the best homeschool mom faces days or weeks where she questions if she should quit or not- sometimes after a year and sometimes after 5. Other times, we can also recognize that we've not taken the time to really reflect on our WHY for educating at home or cast a true vision for our homeschool. Those are both INCREDIBLY important.

In this video, I discuss why this matters, along with ending with some general "points of refreshment" that I use to encourage myself during challenging seasons. It could be called "A List of What I Have Learned." I hope you enjoy!

If you'd like to download the Surviving to Thriving Workbook, head to this post to grab that today! (FREE, of course) 

Being a homeschool mom can be really challenging! You can feel lost, frustrated, overwhelmed, confused, disorganized and in a constant battle with yourself or one of your children. But it IS possible to shift from survival mode to thriving in your d…

For anyone who might be interested, here is a list of "What I Have Learned and Need to Remember" that can sometimes serves as a reality check or attitude adjustment when I need it. I'd love to hear what you would add to this list! 

  • But first, always, pray.
  • If it doesn't stick after the second or third exposure, set it aside and wait for readiness.
  • God's Grace is sufficient to cover any "missed topic".
  • If in doubt, wait.
  • Curriculum is a tool: use it, stop it, pick it up again later, and stick with it if it's working.
  • Focus on the areas of importance for THIS SEASON, and let everything else go. You don't have to "cover everything". Quality over quantity. Depth not breadth.
  • Keep tons of margin in your day. A rushed, stressed mama disrupts a child's ability to learn. 
  • Have a rhythm, not a stringent schedule.
  • Leave lots of room to build memories.
  • Give everyone GRACE GRACE GRACE, including- especially- yourself.
  • Dad can teach a subject on Saturday mornings.
  • Again, if in doubt- wait. 
  • If it works for you do it. Don't compare to your friends, bloggers, or kids/teachers at school. Just don't. It destroys joy, creates anxiety and wrecks peace. 
  • Perfection has no place in life, much less homeschooling.
  • Again, anxiety and rigor and comparison all discredit the Cross and the sufficiency of God's grace for what he's called you to. 
  • He HAS called you, and he WILL equip you. 
  • There is a season for everything under the sun. A season for read-alouds and a season for audiobooks on headphones, a season for one on one with Mom and a season for online courses, a season for early morning classes and a season for napping when possible, a season for field trips and exploration and a season for staying close to home, a season for book club and playdates and a season for simplicity, a season for complicated literature and a season for just-for-fun.

It's ALL GOOD. He created it all and placed us in it, according to His timing. He knows all of the seasons  and has a lesson and plan for each one. Rest and enjoy.